Read a news article about some current event. Write 10 interview questions you would ask one of the people involved in the story
Draw a word web with 6 new words you have learnt recentely, and think of 5 words related to each of them
Listen to a song and read the lyrics. Choose 10 words that are new to you and write a sentence with each of them
Write a different ending to a story or film you have read or watched recently. Provide a summary of the plot first
Re-read a recent composition you've written, choose 10 mistakes you made, and provide the correct answers with an explanation for each of the mistakes
Read a short story or graded reader and complete a story map about it:- Setting - Characters: - Plot: 1... 2.. 3.... - Solution:
Choose a grammar point you have studied recently and write 10 sentences that illustrate it. Alternatively, create a video explaining that grammar point in your own words
Read a news article or story, or watch a short film. Retell the story from the perspective of one of the people involved in the story
Watch a video, film or TV show and write a summary, including your personal opinion, and 10 questions you would ask about it
Write a reflection about how you are doing in English, things you find difficult or easy, and what your plans are to improve the most difficult ones
Record yourself reading a short text aloud and listen to your pronunciation
Choose 10 new adjectives you have learnt recently and write a synonym and an antonym for each of them
Create a crossword puzzle using 15 words you have worked on recently
Choose your own task! Why have you chosen to do it? Which skill(s) have you practiced? How will it help you improve your English?
Choose a picture and record a description of it
Choose a word you have learnt recently that is at least 6 letters long and write an acrostic poem